Title: Sunrises She Won’t Watch Fandom: Bones Characters: Brennan/Booth Prompt: sunrise Word Count: 163 Rating: PG Summary: The sun rises and Brennan watches it, numb. Notes: Written for weird_fin on 9/7/13.
Title: Stop Talking Fandom: Bones Characters: Brennan/Booth Word Count: 148 Rating: G Summary: "Do you really want to do this?" Notes: Written for fanfic50. 20/10/08.
Title: Other Life Forms Fandom: Bones/The X Files Characters: Brennan/Mulder Prompt: #007 Don't be afraid Word Count: 309 Rating: G Summary: "Don't be afraid," he whispers in her ear. Notes: Written for 10_passions. 21/10/08.
Title: A Lot of Betrayal Fandom: Bones Characters: Brennan/Booth Prompt: #007 Betray Word Count: 289 Rating: G Summary: “You betrayed me, Bones! That there was a lot of betrayal!” Notes: Written for fanfic50. 2/7/08.
Title: Reality Paints Her World Fandom: Bones Characters: Brennan Prompt: #019 CRY; SADNESS always Word Count: 240 Rating: G Summary: She gets lonely sometimes. Notes: Written for 30_angsts. June 30.
Title: Call Him Fandom: Bones Characters: Brennan/Booth, Angela Prompt: #003 HAND PHONE; CELL PHONE; MOBILE PHONE a call from heaven Word Count: 362 Rating: G Summary: Booth has done bad. Angela attempts to talk Brennan into talking to him. Notes: Written for 30_angsts. February 8.
Title: All Tangled Up Fandom: Bones Characters: Brennan/Booth Prompt: #000 That’s no way to live, all tangled up Word Count: 327 Rating: T+ Summary: Booth attempts yet again to pull Brennan away from the lab. Notes: Written for multicolour. January 8.
Title: Toilet Training Fandom: Bones Characters: Brennan/Booth Prompt: #003 Pain Word Count: 238 Rating: G Summary: “You’re a pain sometimes, you know that?” Booth says. Notes: Written for fanfic50. November 27.
Title: A Very Funny Thing Fandom: Bones/CSI NY Characters: Brennan/Booth, Mac/Stella Prompt: #000 funny, pie Word Count: 175 Rating: T+ Summary: “You know, pie is a very funny thing,” Booth says. Notes: Written for goddess_loki. October 11.
Title: A Light In The Darkness Fandom: Bones Characters: Brennan/Booth Prompt: #028 Inside Word Count: 251 Rating: K Summary: She looks at him strangely, quirks an eyebrow. “Is everything okay?” she asks. “You seem… different.” Notes: Written for fanfic50. September 20.